Ups and Downs January 8, 2015mm

Hello Team Ella,

One of the blessings of being Ariella's parents is that you have the opportunity to experience the full range of emotions and experiences that come with raising a special needs child. The highs are incredibly high, the lows are devastatingly low and still there is so much joy in between. We have learned so much from Ariella on this journey, including learning the value of patience and faith.

That being said Ella had a really good morning and afternoon but as the day moved along she began to have more challenges and it became increasingly more difficult for her to breathe on her own. Things got very difficult between 5 and 6 this evening when it became clear there were several mucus plugs in her lungs that needed to be removed. Through much diligence and hard work we were able to move the secretions around and get to a place where she's doing a little better. The pressure support has been increased on her breathing machine and she is still getting a fair amount of oxygen but she's doing better now than she was earlier.

We know you all are praying for Ella, and she definitly needs your prayers, however tonight please put your minds on the Yale New Haven Children's Hospital PICU, every room is being used and in some instances the children have very dire needs. You all are such amazing, caring and faithful praying individuals we need to ask you to pray for the 7th floor of the New Haven Children's Hospital and specifically pray for the intensive care unit they need your prayers tonight. Ella is going to make it, she will be better and so will the rest of her floormates. We are all more than conquerors.

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