The Tube is Out part 2 January 7, 2016

A big thank you to Career Team, LLC for Ella's new Friends
Greetings Team,

As you many of you read earlier this afternoon, the extubation was a success. The Yale New Haven PICU team was able to quickly and safely remove the endotracheal tube without any increased secretions or other adverse complications. Ella went directly from being extubated to being put on her mask and the bipap machine that was helping her breathe prior to being intubated. The bipap's pressure settings are the same as those of the intubation so Ella is still getting a lot of pressure support along with additional oxygen, but this is a good step.

Mommy is staying with our baby tonight and she reports that her numbers and status continue to improve. At this point we are going to watch and wait on her. Ms. Ella, as usual, is in charge and will dictate her care plan.

I wish I could give you all a time line or definitive expectation. What I can tell you is Ariella Christina Botts is still here because you didn't give up, because you didn't grow inpatient, because you were willing to sacrifice and place the care and concern for a little girl above your own comfort. On behalf of Rachel, Charlie, Daniel and Ariella - Thank you for continuing to pray.


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