January 3, 2015 - Ella's update

We are all more than conquerors, greetings team Ella. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support I want you to know that they are making a difference. Ariella had a good day today. I would not go so far as to say it was a great day, but good days quickly turn into great days. She continues to receive respiratory treatment every 2 hours. Consider that her treatments last 30-45 minutes and include shaking her torso with an air powered vest, using a cough assist machine to push air pressure into her lungs and quickly suck it out simulating a cough and end with deep suctioning through her intubation tube. This leaves just about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes to wind down and try to sleep before her next treatment. These treatments have been very taxing on our warrior's body, but true to form Ariella continues to fight and improve. Her secretions are clear; the amount is considerably less copious than we were observing earlier in the week, but the consistency is still quite thick. She does run the risk of a mucus plug if we do not remain diligent in her treatments. Having said that the doctors did prescribe three different trial periods between last night and today where Ella was breathing largely unassisted. During these trials she was still connected to the machine; the machine was delivering considerably less pressure and oxygen support than it normally does throughout the day. Ariella did quite well during these trial periods which means the potential to have her intubation removed sooner rather than later is a very real possibility. We have also seen more of Ella's personality come through. Daddy spent the day reading Bible stories and other books to her as well as taking her orders for which DVD she wanted to watch. Ella can also do hi-five she, gives thumbs up and answers yes or no questions. It may seem a bit cliche but when I tell you that this little woman is unmistakable evidence to the existence of a great and gracious God. I mean that with every fiber of my being. When I look into her big beautiful eyes I get so much strength, I see in her a warrior's spirit. From a muscular perspective Ella is the weakest member of our household, however, she has the strongest strength of spirit and heart. I am so encouraged, every-time I look into her eyes. She literally feeds my soul and I see God in her; I am so blessed by Christ to have been given the responsibility of raising this beautiful young lady. Thank you all so much for volunteering to provide food for my family, thank you so much for continuing to check on my wife, and Grandmabeula, as well as myself. Thank you so much for your constant prayers and support and encouragement. The global community that reads and supports this blog gives our family the strength and energy to continue to fight and win these battles. We are so grateful to you all. We are all more than conquerors.

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