Hi Team Ella,

What can I say about our little warrior today. Well as you can see her Nana sent her some goodies that helped to lift her spirits. She spent the day with Grandmabuela reading and playing and watching her shows. She continues to get rigorous respiratory treatments every 2 hours. When I arrived this evening, it was clear the treatment regime is taking a toll on her little body. It is very hard for her to get any rest in between these treatments and the treatments themselves are very strenuous. Having said that, Mommy was able to work with her doctors and over night they will reduce the treatments to every four hours so that she can get some rest in between.
Through all of this, she still manages to smile and engage and work hard. Tonight she was kicking her legs and playing with her new tambourine. She is an absolute wonder and a constant reminder that we are all more than conquerors.
My Lord, what an inspiration this Warrior of God is. She lifts my spirits and gives me a side of strength to continue my battle. I love her! Love you too mommy. Team Ella rocks!!! - Jenny Rivera-Flores.