Ye are the light of the world – Matthew 5:14 January 19, 2010
Jesus continues his sermon on the mount by prescribing an additional responsibility to his disciples; they are also to be the light of the world. As salt we have a very important role in ensuring that we bring out the flavor of the Lord in the earth, however this can be done rather passively. We can show love and be kind and act as salt without ever having to “witness” for Christ, however there is nothing passive about being a light. As a light we are not hid, we are clearly seen and must be visible so that we can lead our fellow man to the Rock of Ages. Furthermore as light the darkness cannot remain in our presence. In his second letter to the church at Corinth the Apostle Paul admonishes the church in chapter 6 verse 14 he asks “…what communion hath light with darkness?” Darkness and light cannot occupy the same place at the same time. When we let our light the shine the misery and pain of this world must go. Without us, without the light of Christ in us there is no hope, how can the world find Christ if we do not illuminate the pathway to heaven. Just as Jesus is the way the truth and the light, if Christ be in us than we must also be the light of this world. If we do not shine the world will slip into darkness.
We are more than conquerors today because the darkness disappears when the light is shone. We have a responsibility to share the light of Christ with the world. This is not a passive function. If our light is dim or tinted than how can our fellow man find Christ. We have a responsibility for ensuring humanity can see Christ in us. As light there is no darkness that can remain in our presence, we have the power to remove darkness and despair because we are hope, we are light. Do a self check and investigate if your light still shines bright. Jesus is the hope of glory and we are lights that will guide this world out from darkness into His peace and love.
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