Ye are the salt of the earth – Matthew 5:13
Jesus began his ministry on earth by going up onto a high mountain to address his disciples. About halfway through the sermon Jesus calls his followers the salt of the earth. The Lord did not mean this to be simply a metaphor, but rather a responsibility, a duty. In order to be considered a follower of Christ one must take on the characteristics of salt. Salt was the first seasoning used by mankind. Before there was refrigeration, freeze drying, vacuum packed seals, etc there was salt. Salt was the first and is the most basic form of preservation. Salt also serves as flavoring; it is intended to bring out the natural flavor of our food. The right amount of salt can transform something very bland into something full of taste. As the earth’s salt it is every Christian’s responsibility to preserve the earth, to care for it, to keep it and its inhabitants. We are the seasoning that brings out God’s flavor; the earth should be a place of seasoned freshness because the Christian dwells here. However if we lose our savor, if we lose our ability to season than Jesus says that we are good for nothing, but to cast out and walked over. As a disciple of Christ we have the responsibility to ensure that the earth can taste God because our lives act as His seasoning.
We are more than conquerors today because Jesus Christ has called us to be his seasoning salt in the earth and thereby preserve the earth through the witness of our lives. We are the living embodiment of Christ’s preservation; we keep the earth from rotting away and decaying. We keep the earth fresh and as a result we have the power to take all the negative circumstances we encounter and transform them into something positive for the kingdom of God. As salt we can take the nasty things of life and season them with the love of God. Fellow believer do not lose your seasoning you have the ability to bring out the flavor of Christ in all things at all times. The earth does not season you, but you season the earth. Be salty for the Lord.
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