Ella has been home for a little over two months and is doing really well. She is finally getting back to the form she was at when she left Hospital for Special Care. She is spending more time off of the ventilator breathing entirely on her own. Her physical strength is returning as well. This weekend she came really close to standing up from sitting in one of her chairs. Ella is such a remarkable little lady with an indomitable spirit. There is absolutely no quit in this little girl. However, life is not without its challenges. Ella does have some sort of respiratory infection she has been fighting off for the last several weeks. Her progress is slow, but some progress is better than none. And in spite of this illness she continues to fight and win day after day as she gets stronger and becomes less dependant on the ventilator.
Since coming back home Ella has returned to school and is loving it. Her classmates and teachers are as happy to have her back as she is to be back. In addition to going to school, Ella is also receiving in-home therapies to increase her strength and dexterity. She is seen by a speech pathologist and occupational therapist a couple of days a week at home. We are currently looking for a physical therapist that does in-home care, in the mean time she will be getting PT back at CCMC once a week.

As you can see Ella the angel warrior is doing quite well. We are not where we want to be, but we further along than we were. We covet and appreciate your prayers. They keep us encouraged and motivated to push Ella to do more each day.
We Are All More Than Conquerors