Ella's update for the last two days - February 1-2, 2016

Hello Team Ella, I have to apologize for the lack of postings for the last two days. As you can imagine posting and working and communicating with the medical team can be challenging.

That being said Ella has been having a really good week. Since Sunday's event her lungs have cleared and there does not appear to be any residual aspiration. She is still intubated, meaning she still has the breathing tube inserted into her mouth and is getting respiratory support 24/7, but the amount of support she is receiving has lessened.

In the mean team Ella has been busy working on several projects and as you can see from the photo has been promoted to Dr. Ariella Botts. She has a patient, Mr. Frizzy, that she has been working with very closely. Mr. Frizzy has been receiving all the same interventions that Ella receives. Mr. Frizzy has made Ella feel like she is a part of this process. Having the opportunity to perform different medical procedures for herself has helped her to cope with what has been happening. We have a send a big thank you to the Child Life department and Leah, the Child Life Therapist that has been an absolute God sent these last two weeks in particular for Ella.

Speaking of God sent, I was leaving the hospital earlier after a tough conversation and feeling a variety of things. As I boarded the shuttle bus to get back to my car the driver was playing gospel music; Kirk Franklin - This Test is Your Storm. Talk about just what the doctor ordered. I told the driver I was grateful to him for playing this music. He began to share his testimony with me and to minister and encourage me. I asked him as we were approaching the offsite parking lot where I was parked, if he could keep Ella in his prayers. The driver said he would and than while he was still driving this angel in the flesh said he felt led to pray for her and me right than and there. The driver's name is Larry and while he was driving his shuttle he prayed for me and my baby. This man took time to pray for a complete stranger.

I must admit it has not always been easy to see God through all of this. Some of you may have more faith than me and perceive God's presence throughtout. I have not always been able to recognize Him, but I have never stopped trusting him and today He sent me some encouragment.

Brother Larry I am not sure if our paths will every cross again, but thank you sir. I praise God for you and for letting God use you to bless me.


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