So the big day is a nearly upon us as it stands right now tomorrow morning around 11 o'clock Ella should be transferred from intensive care at Yale New Haven to rehab at Hospital for Special Care. As you can imagine we are all thrilled at the prospect of LS stepping down in moving from critical acute care 2 more rehabilitative and chronic care and maintenance. We have been encouraged over the last week and a half to observe and track her progress and this transition brings our angel one step closer to returning home. In the midst of this exciting time however mom and I were notified by the hospital that Ella had an episode this evening where her oxygen SATs dipped below normal levels. This is the first time that we have experienced an episode like this since the tracheostomy. We are still trying to get to the bottom of exactly what's happening however we are not comfortable with the idea I'm transitioning from intensive care if ella is not safe to do so. I said on our last post that as we get closer to the finish line then need for prayer only increases. Please continue to pray for our little conqueror and keep her on your mind. We are excited after chance to transition but we do not want to move faster then she is ready to move on. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. We are all more than conquerors.
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