Its praying time!

I'm not quite sure how to start off this blog entry. We have come so far and made it through so much with our little conquer, our special little miracle, however we are facing some circumstances that we haven't had to face in more than a year. Ariella has been sick for nearly a week battling what we assumed has been a regular cold or some other kind of bacterial infection, however with Ella nothing is ever really "regular". After several days of increased treatments she has not gotten much better. She continues to be very congested and is desatting during her nap time and overnight while she's sleeping, which is to say the oxygen level in her blood continues to drop periodically throughout the night into dangerous levels. As a result of all of this Ella is currently being seen at Yale New Haven Hospital where they are going to admit her for a couple of days. I need to stress that she is NOT in critical condition. In fact if we pushed the doctors would let us take her home tonight with a regimen of antibiotics, but Rachel and I feel that it is in Ella's best interests to be seen by the professionals who actually specialize in Muscular Dystrophy. This will give them a better sense as to the nuances that are associated with her particular form of (MD). Again, however I want to be clear, she is not in critical condition. To look at her and spend time with her you would have a hard time believing that she is sick at all. She is still trying to walk all over the place and talk and get into everything imaginable. The fact is though, she should have gotten better by now and she hasn't. The doctors at Yale did do an x-ray and the x-ray is clear, praise Jesus, the doctors have listen to her lungs and her lungs sound clear, praise Jesus, all indications are that she is not in critical condition. This hospitalization is simply a precaution; do not give up on your faith, do not give up on our baby and do not give up on each other. Team Ella, we will make it through this as we have made it through every other challenge that we have faced to date by your prayers, thoughts and commitment to our family. It is all of you that has carried us to this point and we believe that God is still working on our behalf. This is just another opportunity to see his hand in our life. Please check this site regularly as we will continue to post updates as new information as it becomes available. We love you all thank you so much for all that you do.P.S. Ariella wanted me to express her congratulations to her Nana for her retirement. Mom, Ella says she is sorry she could not be there in person to celebrate you at your banquet last week, but she heard there were a lot of people there sharing their love and gratitude and that cousin Ticha and her team did a great job with organizing the event. This made Ella very happy. Ella also said even though she missed you last week she looks forward to seeing you a lot over the summer as you transition into your new status of retired and FULL TIME NANA. Love you Nana MUAH!!!
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