Our little warrior is at it again folks. First a quick update regarding her recent illnesses. As it turns out Ella was not receiving the adequate daytime respiratory support necessary in order for her body to recover. Earlier this week we had a brief appointment with her pulmonologist, who reiterated exactly the kind of care she should be receiving while on her sick plan, we have spent most of the week nursing our baby back to health and she has been coming along nicely. In fact she is feeling so much better that she has reached yet another mile stone this week.


Did you see that! She took two steps from the couch to the toy chest without any help. Thank you Jesus! She is getting so big and she is doing so much. Keep the prayers coming team, as you can see they are absolutely working.

We also thought you would enjoy a very special pudding video. I don't think this is exactly what Mr. Bill Cosby had in mind, or maybe its exactly what he was thinking about, when he made those pudding commercials back in the day.

The best part of this video is her grunting while trying to get at this pudding. I think its we can safety say that her appetite is back. 
We love you team Ella.  

In Memorium

It has been a difficult week for team Ariella; our little angel was diagnosed with a minor ear infection earlier in the week. Her doctor prescribed some antibiotics and we thought that would settle things. In the past, within 24 hours of being on the antibiotic Ella would bounce back, however this week that was not the case. In fact we observed that her oxygen level and heart rate were both dropping below normal levels on a regular basis throughout the week. After several days of being woken up multiple times a night from the alarms on her heart monitor going off we scheduled a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician. This time the doctor concluded Ella must also be suffering some sort of viral infection on top of the bacterial one in her ear. To say that this little girl is a warrior is sometimes an understatement. Here she is fighting off a viral and bacterial infection, but to look at her you would never know that she is fighting off two different simultaneous infections. She is such an inspiration and an incredible blessing. 

In addition to the health challenges Ariella has been dealing with this weekend left us with some additional difficulty.  Saturday night, March 15th at approximately 9:30 PM Ariella's great-grandmother, Ann Marie Loving, passed away. Grandma had been fighting a variety of ailments for the last six years and at 89 years of age the Lord decided that grandma's fights were over and called her home. Additionally, Sunday we commemorated the 11th anniversary of the passing of Ariella's Tio Quito. Loss is never easy and I'm not sure that it gets a whole lot easier with time. However, I am certain that while Ella never got to meet her Tio and will not likely remember her great grandma these two individuals have still played an important role in Ella's life because of the impact they have had on our lives. 

In spite of the challenges with Ariella's health and the pain of the loss that we feel from the passing of loved ones we are all more than conquerors and Ariella is living proof that God's mercy does not run out. Just look and see for yourselves. 

This little girl doesn't know the meaning of the word quit or it can't be or that's too hard. All she knows is try, and try and try again. To be clear, this is the first time we have witnessed Ariella transition from laying to sitting!  All she has ever experienced is God's faithfulness. Team I know it is sometimes hard to accept that there is a benevolent, kind loving God that lives among us and only wants what's best for us when we see so much evil happen all the time. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I can't explain why things happen the way they do, but every time I look at Ella, every time she has another first my faith grows a little more and I pray that as you read these posts so does yours. Her strength comes from generations of people that have overcome various circumstances and challenges throughout their lives. She is God's reminder to us all that there is nothing too hard for Him. And if that was not enough encouragement here is a little more, Rachel's employer and insurance company have agreed to extend Ariella's home-care nursing benefit for one more year. We have one more year to keep Ella home under the care of our nursing team to help her stay healthy and get strong. All praise and glory belongs to Jesus Christ.

Today, in spite of the pain you may be feeling or the trouble you may be experiencing put your trust in Jesus. We dedicate today's blog to Felix Oscar Rivera and Ann Marie Loving. May we all find comfort and peace that only Jesus Christ can bring. 

An update on the conqueror

Grace and peace Team Ella,

The winter in the northeast has been unforgivingly cold and almost ceaseless, but our little warrior continues to push through adversity with her typical fearlessness. By way of a quick update we have not heard a definitive word from our insurance company. We believe that the extension will be granted for one more year, however, we do not have anything in writing as of yet. Keep praying, we believe God.

On another note, we have been experiencing some great fun with our very special Ella. We wanted to share with all of you some of her most recent exploits. In the video below, watch closely you may see her do something remarkable.

Did you see her stand up by herself. What an amazing wonder our little milagros is.