Happy Father's Day

Hello my friends, Rachel here! It really is so interesting to me how different Father's Day is from Mother's Day. As a mom I certainly don't want to take anything away from the job that we have, at the same time research shows that children without an active, responsible and caring father in their lives are more likely to struggle in life.       

God gave us equal but different roles in our families and each is vital. In this house we recognize the importance of a Daddy, a Father, a Head to the unit and we celebrate him for all that he is. While our son little Charles has lots of supportive people in his life, none can match his dad. 

Through his dad Charlie has learned the wonders of Christ, he has learned discipline, honor, faithfulness, playfulness, and kindness. Ariella has found her dad to be a fierce protector and personal trainer. It is because of his belief in her potential that she can stand, is eating more and more, and that she faces every challenge with steady determination.  Through Charles I grew close to Christ, watching him face adversity and knocking it down. 

You see, my husband is more than a conqueror because he draws on God's strength to do what needs to be done in our lives. He prayed that God would give him a heart to be all that I needed him to be, that he would be the father Charles needs to grow into a true man of God, and that he would have a heart to care for Ariella and all her medical needs. God has answered his prayers and more. Happy Father's Day my love and thank you for being all that you are to our family!

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