To further illustrate what an incredible man of God my Sensei is, as part of the opening ceremony Sensei asked people to bring cans of non-perishable food products to be donated after the grand opening. Please read the testimony of how God used Sensei Riesler to be a blessing to yet another family with the donated food.
Sensei e-mailed this to some of us this morning -
"Yesterday, after the grand opening was finished, I put the donated food into my truck, and Mar and I left to go home. Short version... I ended up going to some churches in an effort to try and give the food and non-perishable items to one of them. They were all closed. After going to enough closed doors, I said a prayer that God would help me give the food to where it was supposed to go. The very next church I went to was obviously open. The parking lot was packed and there were cars parked on the street. So, I parked, and I started to walk inside. I was stopped by a man who was driving (I think with another member of his family) and I was asked if I knew what time services were. I told him that I did not know, and we got to talking for a minute, and it turned out that he was coming to the church that day to talk with the pastor to see if the church could help him... because he needed food. (You can see where this going.) I ended up giving him all of the food. In the process of doing this, the man said something like, "This is more than I need. I don't need this much food." I told him that, as he came to the church because he wanted to talk to the pastor about his need for food... now he could go into the church and tell the pastor that he was there because he had more food than he needed."
What an amazing man of God he is, please pray for Sensei Darin and Marlene Riesler and the rest of the Plus One Defense team (www.teamplusone.com).

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