"Wow man this is amazing, I have been to corporate events that are not run as smoothly as this, especially with all the activities and participation, this is really great."
"Where did all these people come from?"
"Do you guys really know everyone here?'
"Have you seen the auction table there are a lot of great items over there."
"I am really impressed by all of this support."
"I am overwhelmed, that's all I can say."
Listed above are just a few samples from different individual's reactions to last night's fundraiser; the last one came from us. When we started this blog four months ago we did so with the intention of providing a single source of communication for our family and close friends to keep them abreast with what was happening with the baby. Truthfully this was the best and easiest way for us to update folks without having to have the same conversation twenty times a day. We never imagined the blog would grow to the place where individuals and organizations from across the country would visit it to see how Ella was doing. We certainly never dreamed it would gain so much momentum that even people we had never met would want to stand with us and support our little warrior's fight against Nemaline Myopathy. Last night we were overwhelmed by the display of love and support and investment in Ariella. Love came from everywhere, friends and family drove from out of state to be with us last night, our sister left her college campus in Florida and flew up to be with us last night., people we had never met who are not part of Ariella's team, came to support us last night. Thank you, thank you, thank you all.
Event planning team - (clockwise around the table: Jessie, Rachel, Lisa, Big Nilda aka Mima and Nilda) |
From beginning to end last night was amazing, the room was filled with so much great energy. You could not deny the presence of God's Spirit, it was in everyone and everyone was in Him. It is a remarkable thing that one child could make a room full of people, many of whom had not met before last night and make us all feel connected. For a couple of hours we were all family, united, together and blessed. It made me proud to be human. In our lives we are inundated with a constant barrage of images and information that promote sex and violence and despair. Our news media jams one depressing story down our throat after another; the saddest part being most of it is accurate. Basketball coaches spewing hate and abuse at their players, mentally ill individuals committing the most heinous acts of violence imaginable, one global economic crisis after another, discord and dissension among our elected officials. It's enough to make you loose hope for the future of our species. Well if I was ever considering giving up on the human race, which I wasn't, but anyone else who might be, last night your hope would have been restored. The amount of effort and professionalism and talent and compassion and fun and hope and joy that was put into and came out of last night was nothing short of miraculous. I heard my wife and one of our friends quoting the third chapter of Malachi and the second half of the tenth verse - "
if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." God is faithful and true to His word. We were running out of room in the hall last night, the supporters just kept coming in. Eventually we had to add more tables and chairs to accommodate the crowd. Thank the Lord the church had extra.
The hall just after set-up before anyone arrived, this place was eventually filled to almost standing room only |
We promise to post more about last night and share lots of pictures and video from the evening. In fact if you could please e-mail the blog (iammtc837@gmail.com) any pictures or video you took of the event so that we can house them in our archive as well as post them to share with others that would be great. For now, once again we have to say a special thanks to the team that made this all happen. The picture of the dinner table with that group of amazingly talented ladies is what lead to an event hall of empty dinner tables pictured above that eventually become full of people to the point of overflow. Jessica, Lisa, Nilda and Mima; THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH. What you have done for Ariella and our family goes beyond what words can express. And particular Jessie and Lisa, just know that
It Takes Two Event Management is an amazing business model and I believe that last night was the start of something very special for you two as well. Don't give up on what you started. The idea for the pasta dinner was a seed that was planted in you both months ago and has been germinating ever since. Last night we saw the first fruits of that seed. God has blessed you both with amazing tenacity and commitment to see a project through to completion with professionalism and care. Because you were willing to invest so much in us, your returns will be greater.
It is our sincere hope for everyone that attended last night that you enjoyed yourself and most of all you came to place of genuine joy and peace realizing that your investment is in very good hands. We know there were many more of you that wanted to attend, but were unable to. Please know we understand and are grateful that you pray for and care about our daughter. And who knows what the future holds there may be other opportunities for you to participate.
May the love of our dear creator, the only living God, fill your hearts and homes, may you have comfort and joy and may you come to place of genuine intimacy and connection with Jesus Christ. Peace and God's blessings to you all.
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