Saturday February 2, 2013

After having a couple of rough days Ella had a pretty good day today. There were a couple of occasions when she was very junky and we could hear the mucus building up in the back if her throat, however instead of simply suctioning her has we had been, we tried holding her and placing her in different positions and that seemed to help. It is also clear that she has started to grow accustomed to being held more and more. It is almost to the point where the only way to soothe her is to hold her. I am guessing we have grandmabuela to thank for that (smile). Well we bless God that we are able to hold our baby. It was tortuous when we were in the PICU and could not squeeze our baby. Thank you Jesus.
She also had some difficulty falling asleep last night. I got the opportunity to administer her entire respiratory treatment in the afternoon and started her evening treatment. Both treatments went well, however in the afternoon I was able to place the breathing mask on Ariella without any issues; she fell asleep right away for her afternoon nap. However when it came time for her to be placed on the ventilator over night we were not able to place the mask as easily and as a result we had to play with it several times, which only served to further aggravate her. Eventually we got it right around 10 pm. It is clear that the placement of the mask is essential to her comfort. She slept well for the most part. It took her a little while to fall back to sleep after her 4 am treatment, but all in all had a good night.

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