Ariella Christina Botts a source of inspiration, hope, joy and love. You can follow God's special little conqueror on this site. Learn about her trials, triumphs, victories and achievements.
Friday January 18, 2013
This is the third day in a row that our precious little warrior, Ariella, has had a good x-ray. The momentum continues. Today featured long stretches with our baby off her breathing machine. She got to sit in her favorite bouncy seat, she was hanging out with her Grandma-buela, interacting with the staff and she was even smiling and laughing. The little rascal even started to try and pull her IV out... again. She pulled it out once before, I guess she figured we wouldn't catch on to her antics. Additionally Ella has been on a different kind of breathing machine. This one is smaller and more mobile than the first bipap machine. We are still waiting for a smaller face mask that will fit over her nose and mouth only as opposed to the fire fighter mask that covers her entire face. Ariella still has a long road ahead of her and at that same time we praise Jesus everyday for each of her victories.
Oh yeah and daddy gets some quality alone time with his preciosa tonight. Can't wait.
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