Exodus 33:11 "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend..."
What a great privilege and honor to be in communion with the Lord to such a degree that His conversance with you would be described as fact to face. This is what it means to be in relationship with the Lord; to commune with Him such that He would describe it as friendship. For many believers this is a foreign concept, to be “friendly” with God. All too often we are given a picture of the Almighty as this uncompassionate ruler that smites and punishes and judges when in fact what our God truly desires is a relationship. God is not spooky or aloof or distant in fact the psalmist describes Him as being a very present help when we are in need (Psalm 46:10). God is did not create humanity in His image and likeness so that He could draw away from us or keep us at arm’s length. No in fact just the opposite, God is so consumed with humanity that the angles cannot comprehend is obsession with us, they openly ponder “what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them” (psalm 8:4NLT). God is so utterly smitten by us that He willing participated in the human experience through His only son Jesus.
We are more than conquerors today because God is our friend. Like any good friend, God does not force Himself onto us. He does not demand our attention, rather stand arms open wide waiting for day when we will accept the free gift of His salvation offered through Jesus Christ.