It is finally upon us; tomorrow Ariella comes home. It has been a long, incredible journey, full of plenty of highs and lows and thanks to the unwavering support of those of you that follow this blog our baby is much better today then she was several months ago. Mom and dad spent a good portion of the weekend getting our little angel's bedroom together. It is rather fortuitous that 2 years ago Grandma Denise bought our baby a twin bedroom set not realizing that her bed, at the time, converted to a full size bed, however that bedroom set now belongs to her little brother Daniel and Ella's current bedroom includes a twin bed. Thank you grandma Denise we now have a beautiful set for our baby's new bedroom.
However if it weren't for a group of incredibly special and talented people I don't know if our house would be in the condition it is in in order to welcome our little conqueror home. My mother, Ruth Davis and stepdad Ike Davis along with very very close friends and family Uncle Philip Reeves and Auntie Theresa Reeves, Auntie Karen and Auntie Gretchen have spent and continue to spend countless hours painting, building walls, shaving doors, hanging doors, restoring doorways and trim, and more. So much needed to be done in order to make this house feel like a home and my parents along with our extended family have made that possible. I truly cannot say thank you enough mom and Ike, Phil and Terry, Karen and Gretchen, you have given of your time, you have traveled hours over the highway and because of you when Ariella returns tomorrow she will come not just to our new house but she will come to her new home. Thank you all so very much.
This by no means marks the end of this blog we will continue to provide regular updates as to how ella is adjusting to life at home and how we are adjusting to providing the care and support that our angel needs in order to thrive and be everything that God has called her to be. Please continue to check the blog regularly for updates photos and pictures.
We are part of an amazing team. My daughter is alive today due in no small part to all the support, encouragement, love, prayers and affection that each of you have shown us in your own unique way. It is my prayer that no one has to experience what we have had to endure but if you should find yourself in an extremely difficult situation I would further pray that you feel and experience the love and support that my family has felt an experienced over the last two and a half months.
I don't doubt that God is real because I have experience is unconditional love through the amazing support I have received from all of you - Team Ella.
We are all more than conquerors