Today was a turn around

Hello Friends and Family of Ariella. The day is ending much better than it started. After a  full day yesterday where Ella got to spend some time with her Nana, Poppy and Auntie Karen, she had a pretty good night. And yet similar to yesterday around 4 this morning Ella started to have real trouble, but this time was different. The respiratory therapies were very effective at getting her secretions to mobilize. In other words the treatments we gave her overnight helped to loosen the secretions in her lungs, however when we tried to suction them we could not get to them fast enough and Ella developed a mucus plug. The plug blocked her airway and for several second Ariella stopped breathing. I was able to get the respiratory team the ambu bag, which was used to give Ella breathes when she could not take any on her own. The ambu bag moved the plug and immediately after receiving a couple of breaths from the bage she started breathing again on her own. This is not the first time this has happened during this hospital stay, however in the past these events have lasted several minutes. In this case it lasted maybe two minutes all together. Once our baby recovered from this event the day only got better and better.

I spent time in prayer this morning desperately seeking guidance on how to best help our little warrior get better. God reminded me of what we have done in the past to help Ella get over these kinds of episodes in the past. With new inspiration I advised the doctors on some modifications I wanted to make to her therapies. Additionally, yesterday her pulmonologist recommended we try a new "nose" only mask that would direct the air pressure from the breathing machine into her airway without getting diffused and spread throughout her face on her full face mask that we use at home. Not only does it direct the air pressure, but it also opens up our baby's face so she can interact more and it gives us access to her mouth to suction her secretions and provide mouth care.

The mask combined with the adjustments to her therapies made a marked difference in her condition today. She is still physically very weak and her right lung is still diminished. In spite of this she is stronger now than this morning, we have gotten a lot of secretion out all day long. We have turned a corner today, I believe that today is the beginning of Ella's full recovery.

You all have stood so strongly with us through this prolonged hospital stay. We are getting closer and closer to being done with our time here. Pray with us that God eliminate her extra secretions. And believe with me that Ella will WALK out of this hospital under her own STRENGTH.

We are all more than a conqueror.

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