Happy Resurrection Sunday, March 31 2013

Ella and Naomi play together for the first time
Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and this year is particularly joyful because we also celebrate the new life that our beautiful Ariella lives each and every day. It is hard to believe that only a few months ago we were hours away from preparing to plan a funeral and today our baby sat quietly and attentively through our church service in the arms of her Godmother.

Even as we share this we need to be clear we have been painstakingly careful in the messages we communicate by means of this blog. This is an important vehicle for communicating our daughter's progress. We understand that there are a number of our readers that are chiefly interested in reading about Ella and may not be particularly interested in our expressions of faith. On the other hand, to know us and to know our daughter is to know that we don't live separate and apart from our faith. Faith is an indistinguishable component of our make up. One could go so far as to say it is written into our DNA.

We understand that our readers represent various points along the faith spectrum and we appreciate you taking some of your time to read about and take an interest in Ariella's progress and development. At the same time because we know what we know and have experienced what we have experienced we find it a difficult proposition indeed to talk about our baby and not mention the power of God working in her life.

However you chose to recognize today's most sacred occasion, if you celebrated it at all, we hope; rather we pray that the power of Christ that we have experienced first-hand in our lives touches your hearts and brings you to a place of closeness with your dear Creator. Jesus is alive today, he lives in our hearts, and because Jesus lives Ariella is alive today. Happy Resurrection Day

1 comment:

  1. Good Bless Ariella & all! Good luck with the fundraiser this w/e.
