Detailed information on how you can help.

Hi Family,

First off we want to say thank you for your continued support and prayers, they have become our life line. A couple of days ago we posted a comment asking for your help in contacting our local legislators to make them aware of our situation and solicit their support. We want to provide you all with some more detailed information on exactly how you can assist us. Below you will find contact information for our state and federal legislators. We have also provided some language you can feel free to use in your communication. You can simply copy and paste what we have provided below into your individual coorespondence or you can use this language as a guide to communicate our message in your own voice.

Connecticut State Representative Tim Larson
Legislative Office Building, Room 2403
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
(860) 240-8585

Connecticut State Senator Gary LeBeau Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 110
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
e-mail -
Legislative Aide to Senator LeBeau
Alex Peterson
860-240-0511, or
Toll-free: 1-800-842-1420

US Senator Richard Blumenthal
e-mail -
Office Locations-
90 State House Square, 10th Floor
Hartford, CT, 06103
tel (860) 258-6940
fax (860) 258-6958

Washington D.C.
702 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC, 20510
tel (202) 224-2823
fax (202) 224-9673

US Senator Chris Murphy
e-mail -
Office Locations-
One Constitution Plaza, 7th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: (860) 549-8463
Fax: (860) 524-5091

Washington D.C.
B40A Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-4041
Fax: (202) 228-9604

US Congressman John Larson
e-mail -
Office Locations -
221 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Ph: (860) 278-8888
Fx: (860) 278-2111

Washington D.C.
106 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2265
Fx: (202) 225-1031

"Hello My name is (insert your name here) and I am contacting you on behalf of Charles and Rachel Botts, residents of East Hartford CT. Charles and Rachel are the pround parents of Charles, IV (10 years old) and Ariella Christina (6 months old). I am contacting you specifically in regards to Ariella. Ariella has been recently diagnosed with a rare neuro-muscular disease, Nemaline Myopathy. If you were to research this particular disease you will find that there are both non-progressive types, which typically presents later in life as adults and progressive (often fatal) types, which presents very early in infancy. Precious little Ariella was born with this disease. She has been in and out of the hospital all of her life. Most recently she has been hospitalized for nearly a month. There was a time when Charles and Rachel thought they were going to loose their precious angel, but miraculously she has battled back by the grace of God and she continues to get better everyday. She is currently receiveing care at Connecticut Children's Medical Center. And while she has been well cared for, the time has come for her to go home, but Charles and Rachel are unable to do so becuase they cannot afford the requisite shift nursing their beautiful baby requires during the day while they are at work. They also do not qualify for any state aide. You see they are part of the faceless middle class. They are good people, they are active in the East Hartford community, members of a local church, they pay their taxes and even volunteer. But all that is for not becuase the don't make enough money to afford the shift nursing on their own and make too much to receive any help from the government and so their daughter continues to lay in the hospital at an increased risk of infection while she receives her care. We need your assitance in helping these good people indentify the resources they need to help their daughter. As it stands right now the best option for these folks is to leave their jobs, have their home foreclosed on and add themselves to the state welfare burden in order to get the help they desperately need. Please have someone from your office contact them. You can reach them at, they also maintain a blog dedicated to their daughter where you can read all about her story and meet this amazing little warrior, Thank you for your time and attention."

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