More Than a Conqueror Devotional #11

Blessed [are] the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy – Matthew 5:7

It seems unavoidable in times of crisis and turmoil to turn inward and act in the interest of self preservation. Human nature dictates that we build our own individual silo, a bomb shelter that will protect us from the outside influences. We cut ourselves off from family, friends, even God. We just want to survive and hang on; we do just enough to make it through the next day. We think that by cutting ourselves off we can be protected, if we mind our own business and don’t stick our neck outs we will survive, but in fact the exact opposite is true. Christ continues his sermon on the mount with a lesson how we can obtain care and consideration. We are blessed when we invest our time and energy into caring for others because when we give care, we when show and share love then God express that affection back to us.

We are more than conquerors today because when we stop being careless and self focused and more careful and focused on God and others then we will experience the full measure of care that comes from the Lord. Our natural inclination is to be so focused on ourselves and meeting our own needs that we do not have time for, or an interest in others, however Christ is looking for more. The Lord cannot bless those who are determined to bless themselves. When we are not careful for others we send a clear message to the Lord that we no longer need his assistance. It is only by helping and caring for others that we earn the assistance of the Heavenly Father. Brothers and sisters in the Lord you will do well to remember that mercy can only be received when it is given. Place your cares and concerns on another today; by giving of yourself you leave room for the Lord to add what you have subtracted.

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